Thursday, July 11, 2019

Day 4

Finished with Day Four!!
We started off the day with a devotion led by Vivian from 1 Kings 3:4-14 about how we don't have to face challenges alone. Then, we were off to the school to start the day with the kids.

The kids are coming earlier everyday! We arrived around 7:40 and there were already a lot of kids there! Vivian and Elizabeth led singspiration and the kids were more open to singing along and doing the handmotions. After singspiration, we learned the bible verse and the bible story about how God gives us a lot of blessings just like how the oil and flour never ran out in the story from 1 King 17. After we learned the story, we split up into the classes and went to our classrooms.
After the classes, we had a debrief meeting and all classes went relatively smoothly. Then, Denise had a super fun dance class that Angela, Vivian, and TA Gina helped out with. They all loved learning the new combo for their performance next Friday.
For dinner, the TAs were super gracious and bought us some good hotpot noodles. After dinner, Angela and TA Christine and TA Daniel had a blessing of having their third family visitation this week. The family was open and the kids had a lot of fun playing with their teachers. 

Please keep on praying for our team's wellbeing and the gradual opening of all the kids' hearts. We hope that we can finish this week off strong!!!

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